Oloiuqui, or Rivea Corymbosa, is a plant species that usually produces white flowers. The seeds of the Rivea Corymbosa have been used for various purposes for centuries, mainly because of their psychoactive and medicinal effects. Mexican Aztecs called the seeds Ololiuqui, which means round grain. Using the seeds gives an intense and psychedelic experience without hallucinations.
Rivea Corymbosa belongs to the 'Morning Glory' family. The active substance is LSA, a psychoactive substance similar to LSD. But it does not lead to hallucinations. It is used for introspection, meditation or a visionary experience. Little is known about the medicinal effect, used by the ancient Indians.
The psychedelic effect occurs gradually after about an hour. It then lasts for an average of 8 hours. Dry use, for example chewing the seeds, is not recommended. It is best to grind a small number of seeds (12 to 22) and soak them in lukewarm water. The water can then be drunk with the softly soaked seeds, which can then be chewed if necessary.
The operation and effect depend on the usage environment. During or after physical activity, this is different than in a situation of rest. It is important to keep the dosage low with Rivea Corymbosa. Using too many seeds causes unwanted side effects (nausea and vomit) that dominate the psychedelic effect, even in experienced users.
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